Our story

Anlab Story

In 1989, with no formal training in the environmental industry and having worked on the business side of several large Corporations, I left to pursue my dream, Anlab Environmental. For the next 3 years, I free lanced in Sales and Marketing by working in the field for several environmental firms which gave me the much-needed experience. However, I was unique in that my parents taught me the value of Customer Service. The greatest man I ever met, my father, was born in 1895, had me at 60 and lived healthy to 93 and mom, 89. Dad shined shoes at the Union Stock Yards in Omaha for over 50 years and during the summers, I would spend three days a week with him watching the pride he had in his work and how well he treated and respected his Customers. I was also fortunate in that at the age of 6, I started learning about business as several of his highly successful Clientele would take me out to the cattle yards to learn not only about livestock but how to run a business. This “training program” lasted until I was 14 and upon my “graduation”, these same people made it possible for me to attend two of the finest institutions, Creighton Prep High School and Creighton University. Any tuition that remained unpaid from my working part-time was paid in full by these good people, my “teachers”. And I live by the adage that “my dad shined 30 pairs of shoes a day so that I need only shine 1". In 1992, I started Anlab with the belief that although I was not degreed in Science, I was well versed in how to run a business (received MBA in 1987) and how to treat my Customers and the Staff. To this day, I believe it is important to stay involved in all of our projects, return Customers phone calls within an hour or less and recognize that Anlab’s staff does not work for me but with me and we all work for the Client. We provide environmental services nationwide and fortunate & blessed in that all of our projects have been successfully completed on time with NO injuries, NO lawsuits, No violations and NO insurance claims. I live by the belief that if the Company takes good care of its Employees, the Employees will take good care of the Clients and the Profits will take care of itself. After all, in the long run its the Customer who will determine our longevity.

Anlab is soon approaching our 29th year.

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Why Choose Us

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Experience Skills

Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat suscipit tortor erat.

Expert Engineers

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Low Cost

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Guarantee Services

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Trusted Work

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High Quality

Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat suscipit tortor erat.